Calne Wordfest is a celebration of communication. There will be a series of events, activities and workshops for all ages and abilities throughout the week. Programmes available from the library and community hub.
Highlights include our poetry and short story competitions, entries to calnewordfest@outlook.com by Thursday 29th September.
The window trail; pick up a map from the library and discover a new side of Calne in shop windows all over, guessing the Roald Dahl characters hidden within.
Calne Folk and Acoustic Collective at The Talbot Inn on Tuesday 27th September from 7:30pm. The Talbot are also running a special Wordfest pub quiz on Wednesday 28th September.
A drop in exhibition space on Tuesday afternoon at the Lansdowne hotel. You can access information about courses, talk to an optician, get advice from a speech and language therapist or do a job search. All the information on local services.
We have a few author events at the Library, including a ‘how to get published’ workshop and children’s stories. Check out the Library for details
Friday 30th September brings unexpected tales at the Lansdowne with Ghost Story Supper. Dinner and storytelling with a ghostly theme. Bring your own short story or listen to others. Tickets from the Lansdowne.
Saturday 1st October, our big celebration event at John Bentley School Hall. 6:30pm. Licensed bar and prizes from events throughout the week, plus a musician, a comedian and a poet performing on the night.
And many more events!
More information on our facebook page: Calne Wordfest